CAGD 330 3D Computer Modeling

Stylized Book Project

For this project we are assigned to create a stylized, high poly book using ZBrush, then render the object in Marmoset Toolbag. We are expected to utilize workflows and sculpt in high detail managing the tools provided in Zbrush.   

By the end of due time I was able to:
+ Create/Sculpt the core structure of the book I was planning to make.
+ Get the main idea of the type of stylized book I initially visualized
+ Rendered a low poly model in Marmoset

Low Poly

What I wasn't able to:
- Render a high poly model
- Implement High level of detail
- High poly apple
- Failed to meet a number of requirements in time

High Poly

Workflow/other problems:
-Completely underestimated time needed to fix unexpected errors
Forgot to properly retopologize after dynameshing complicated high poly details, ultimately consuming a majority of time.
I had a major problem when attempting to UV wrap, and led to not being able to texture my high poly book with necessary details I would have liked.

I will continue to work on ideal, efficient workflows and practice using ZBrush to avoid major work delays and utilize necessary skill sets to meet expectations. In future personal projects I hope to touch upon this project again and fulfill the requirements expected and finalize all necessities required 

Stylized Book Concept Art

First, a collection of references is necessary to help figure out what kind of book we would want to make.
The first thought that came to mind when thinking about high poly books was some kind of futuristic theme that would give the book a cool flashy feel. However I had some difficulty looking around for a reference to my liking. So I switched up to a dark, horror type theme and I eventually found myself with an anime that fit the description: Death Note, and a futuristic horror type game: Dead Space. I would have to find a clever way to incorporate a dark horror feel while in a futuristic theme. 
Anime: Death Note ref
To fit the dark horror theme from Death note, I was thinking of implementing the apple on the center with some distinction of blood around with a pen/feather on the bottom or top of it. I would then put similar carvings and writings with some indication to show the book is of age/degrading like rust or wrinkles. A chain on the top corner may be needed as well.

For Dead Space's futuristic theme, I was thinking of using Isaac Clarke's (main protagonist) metallic mask to help define the thickness of the book in a way while adding a subtle glow effect on the sides or somewhere around the edges. 
Dead Space ref

If things get too complex and if I would have to choose one or the other, I would lean more towards the dark horror theme. 

Additional References:

Game Controller

Game Controller Milestone #2: Texturing and Rendering

Final Renders using Marmoset Toolset 4

Textured using Adobe Substance Painter
Adjusted UV's with less triangles, N-gons, and accurate controller ergonomics.
Improved edge flow
Texture Sheet

Game Controller Milestone #1: Modeling 

-Many n gons and invisible meshes delayed workflow progress
-underestimated overall time required
-Confusion forming ergonomic controller shape (back)
-Poor reference image for precise measurements
-Will clean up with better edge flow soon

Controller Idea #1: Nintendo GameCube Controller

For this controller project, I decided to work on the Nintendo Gamecube controller. The main reason I chose this controller is because it is arguably my favorite out of all the others and I have it by my side, so that would be helpful for a physical reference. Having the Gamecube controller to my possession is also handy in spotting the smaller details. It is shown more visibly at a closer look the amount of wear and tear during its extensive use, such is dents, smudges, built up dust, and small marks.

Approaching the controller would be interesting when tackling unique shapes that reside with each other. I can see the potential challenges I would face when balancing overall edge flows and proper topology all around. Small details can also set issues with work flow, such as the back bumpers and small screws in between.

Controller Idea #2: Sony Dualshock 3 Controller

For my alternative controller option, I would like to attempt to make the Playstation 3 Dualshock 3 controller. 

Approaching this controller would seem to be more of a challenge compared to the Gamecube controller, as the controller is generally smaller compared to other controllers, and looks to have more flatter shapes fitted in a more confined space. This may restrict workflow, such as stricter edge flows and more possible problems along the way.
These are the two controllers I intend to work with, and I look forward to new challenges that test my Maya skills approaching more advanced models.


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